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Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people.

Reality Is Not Bigotry

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Trans Woman

Fionne Orlander - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.

Fionne Orlander is a British transwoman who finds themselves at odds with the trans ideology & activism that represents that supposedly represents them. (Fionne’s choice of pronouns.) Despite a more controversial stance, Fionne is a rare and charming breath of air on Twitter, and her common sense and politeness might be what earned her a public invitation to go for a drink with JK Rowling. We talked about realising they were trans, what it means to them, being an outlier in the trans community, surviving hostile social media, and why we are all standing in the ruins of gender. Find Fionne on Twitter: Fionne’s freethinking recommendation is an article by Miranda Yardley which imagines society without gender:

Originally On: Laura Dodsworth

Twitter <----You have to follow Fionne she's is funny as hell

Fionne Orlander

Scott Newgent

Follow Scott @NotScottNewgent

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